The past two years have been particularly difficult for everyone. STL will be using our worship service on Sunday, November 21 to address our grief with the hope we have in Christ. Along with listing the names of loved ones called home, all who worship with us in-person will be invited to place a carnation on the altar during a special time of meditation and prayer in the service.
Immediately following the worship service we will be gathering in the gym for a Faith and Fellowship Brunch.
Comments from those who have attended in years past:
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. This helped me more than you can imagine.”
“What a beautiful service – a true blessing to me and my family.”
“Taking our carnations to the altar and stopping to pray was a struggle emotionally for me, but at the same time cleansing as we were joined by so many others.”
Here is what you can expect:
- Carnations will be available for you to pick up in the sanctuary
- At a designated time in the service everyone will be invited to come forward (with safe distancing) to place their carnation on the altar and to pause to pray
- All names that we receive of loved ones lost in 2020 will be both printed in the worship folder and posted on our virtual worship sites.