When was the last time you asked yourself, “Where has the time gone?” Saint Thomas Lutheran recognizes how time flies – and how, before we know it, our children are in high school and then off to college and careers. The problem is in the midst of all this rush we find it difficult to squeeze in time for our children to learn about Jesus and the Bible. STL is offering a simple and effective solution to the problem: Sunday School. We call it “THE FLOCK.” Here is how it works. Simply register your child from the link below. Then join us on Sunday at 11:30 am after service! So, click to start your children on the exciting journey!”
“Having been raised by Christian educators and attending Lutheran grade school and University, I know the value of Christian education … and that is what this experience is all about.” Tony Berkseth
“Our family has been blessed in so many ways by STL children’s ministries. We know this will be another great opportunity for our children to learn Bible stories and live in the love of Jesus.” Alicia Anno
With our lives so busy, how do we find the time to have our children learn about Jesus? STL is offering a 3-tiered “Virtual Sunday School” that you can turn to any time or anywhere each week. Our “THE FLOCK (little lambs following Jesus)” blends the invaluable experience of children learning about Jesus with the convenience of locally produced interactive videos.”
Spiritual growth and discipleship training available for other ages through STL
CrossTraining – JC Style
The teenage years are challenging and important – both for our teens and their parents. STL has rewritten its “CrossTraining – JC Style” program to include electronic media and timely conversations to help us meet these challenges. We encourage teens from sixth grade through high school to join us on Sunday mornings at 10:45 am
Faith Hope Love Small Group Ministry
Most people long to have more peace and security in their lives. STL small groups bring people together in fun and encouraging communities that open the door to a balanced and fulfilling life.
Faith Connection Podcasts
Many people would like to know more about the basics of the Christian faith but get lost on their journey to find it. This fall STL will be introducing a series of podcasts called “Faith Connections” that will assist you on this journey
with simple and easy-to-handle steps. These podcasts will be helpful to seekers and anyone interested in enhancing their witness.