Crossroads: What will you do with Jesus?


Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24) You are at a crossroads. Journey to the Cross Communion Come to Entrance A


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Moving past the votives, we come to the cemetery of our Savior, complete with burial clothes, spices and a stone to close the grave.   Remember Joseph and Nicodemus laying Jesus’ lifeless body there   while the women watched …


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As we move to our left from the cross, we come to a table of lit candles. With the snuffer, we kill the flame of one – symbolizing how you are one who snuffed out the life of the Lord

The Crucifixion

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We behold the cross on which our Savior died. We linger here in worship of the One who endured its shame for us all. And we recall that is by his stripes that we are healed.      We each

The Garden of Gethsemane

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From the altar we recess down the center aisle to the narthex where you have the opportunity to pray in “The Garden of Gethsemane”.     After you have watched the video, please take time to …   a –

The Lord’s Table

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When ready to move on, we walk down the side aisle toward the communion rail and are seated in one of the front pews. While seated, we use one of the prayers found on the inside front cover of the

Remembering God’s Promises

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We then continue to follow the path to a reading room in the rear of the sanctuary. Here we are reminded of the many promises God made and fulfilled as he sent his one and only Son to the cross.

Confession, Absolution and Anointing


Our first stop is for private confession and absolution. In the confidential setting of the prayer chapel you have the opportunity to use either your own words or those of the liturgy to give your sins to the Lamb of