Today is a further transition from readings about the 2nd coming of Jesus to readings about the 1st coming of Jesus. “Malachi” is Hebrew, meaning, “My Messenger.” Today’s OT reading comes from God’s last word to the Israelites in 400 BC. Israel was not listening so God stopped talking to them until John began to prepare the way for the public ministry of Jesus in 28AD.
Philippians records Paul’s concern for people to be ready for the last day, “the day of the Lord Jesus.” Malachi was God’s messenger before the 1st coming of Jesus, John was the messenger at the coming of Jesus, and Paul was the messenger that followed Jesus. All three messengers, like every prophet and apostle and all the Bible and all creation testify about the Son of God who was conceived by the Holy Spirit in the virgin Mary to fulfill His promises of redemption.
Luke records the beginning of John’s public ministry with precision, referencing both civil and religious leaders. Contrast those leaders with the promised Savior we are about to meet. The government IS upon Jesus’ shoulders, He IS the prince of peace, He IS that everlasting High Priest who ever lives to make intercession for us.
In Advent we follow God’s Word as it leads us from both ends to the center; from Old Testament prophecies and New Testament reminders of the end to the center of the universe – to Immanuel, God with us!