Give God His Tithe
“A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the LORD; it is holy to the LORD.” Leviticus 27:30

Instead of saying, ‘I’m giving God my tithe,’ you should say, ‘I’m giving God His tithe.’ But you say, ‘I earned it, so I own it.’ No. The Bible says, ‘The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein’ (Psalms 24:1). God owns every square foot of land on earth and every person who walks on it—including you. You’re not an owner, you’re a steward! And while a good steward deserves to be well rewarded by his master, his first priority is to please him and carry out his will. The Bible says, ‘A tithe of everything…belongs to the Lord…’ Get your thinking straight on this issue! In God’s eyes 10 per cent of your income is ‘dedicated funds’ to be used for one thing only—His purposes on the earth. And tithing isn’t how the church raises its budget; it’s how God raises His children. We distort God’s Word when we teach tithing as a means of getting money to pay off church debt, or as a substitute for other worn-out methods of fundraising, or as a cure-all for the church’s financial shortfalls. The Bible says,‘…son (daughter)… give me thine heart…’ (Proverbs 23:26). When God has your heart’s deepest affection you’ll give gladly, not grudgingly. The first man in Scripture to tithe was Abraham. Why did he do it? Gratitude, because God had delivered him from the hand of an enemy who was out to destroy him. Has God delivered you? Has He blessed you? Then show your gratitude by giving Him His portion! Always remember however that the only 90% is still the Lords – not yours. What is yours is what you take with you when you die. That’s right – NOTHING.  (Courtesy of Lutheran Church Charities:

Heavenly Father, help me always remember that whatever I have does not belong to me but is Yours to be used according to Your will. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

 EASY WAYS TO SUPPORT THE STL MISSION There is a variety of ways to give your support to the mission of STL.  For many the easiest is to simply mail in a check or drop your offering off at the church.  If you prefer electronic giving, STL offers multiple options:

  1. Text “GIVE” to 1-586-800-2223
  2. Visit:
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  4. Through your Pay Pal account
  5. Scan this Quick Response (QR) code

These will connect you to our on-line giving form, where you can have your mission support offering automatically taken from your checking account or use your credit or debit card (STL is charged extra fees for debit and credit card transactions).  You can even set up recurring giving with many of these options!  IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, OR DESIRE ASSISTANCE, PLEASE CALL THE CHURCH OFFICE (586-772-3370).

Managing God’s Resources in Challenging Times – Day Six