Palm Sunday – 9:30 a.m. (April 10)

          With branches and loud hosannas we celebrate the beginning of Holy Week with our weekly Communion Service.  Also available on Face Book Live.

Maundy Thursday (April 14)

          Thursday noon (11:00 – 1:00) and again in the evening (5:00 – 8:00) will offer a unique opportunity.  You can arrive and take your Journey to the Cross at your own speed.  The journey begins with private absolution and prayer. Your walk with Jesus, which includes communion, then takes you through his last hours all the way to the tomb.  For a preview go to the link at

Good FridayNoon (April 15)

          Our noon communion service establishes a mood appropriate for the day and the hour, and communicates the depth of God’s love for us poor sinners.  Doors remain open (and communion available upon request) until 2:00 p.m. for those who wish to come and pray.

Good Friday Evening7:00 p.m. (April 15)

          This communion service will feature a dramatic reading of our Lord’s passion and crucifixion, complimented with hymns and anthems.  A live dramatization of the day will unfold before you as the story is told.  We, then, will leave in silence, meditating upon the importance of Christ’s sacrifice for us, and in anticipation of our Lord’s resurrection.  Also available on Face Book Live.

Easter Sunday – (April 17)

Sunrise Service @ 8:00 a.m.

We begin our celebration of the resurrection of our Lord with an early morning visit to the tomb,
where we discover that that the stone has been rolled away.

Easter Breakfast

Between our two services we serve a complimentary brunch
in our gym at the south end of our building.

Festival Communion @ 10:00 a.m.

(also available on Face Book Live)
With strings, choirs, and much fanfare we proclaim the Good News –
Christ is Risen indeed!

Holy Week Activities