2022 Michigan District Theological Conference
“Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation” (1st Peter 2:12).
The Michigan District invites everyone to the 2022 Theological Conference on Saturday, February 5, at Our Savior, Lansing. Guest speakers include Rev. Dr. Joel D. Lehenbauer, Rev. Dr. Theodore J. Hopkins, Rev. Dr. Dale A. Meyer, and Mr. Greg S. Baylor. These speakers plan to guide us, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to pray and determine when to defend the walls of the Church and how our faith can shine as we engage with the culture outside those walls.
Visit michigandistrict.org/theological22 for more information or to register.
Locally, Hope Lutheran Church of Warren is hosting a free livestream of the conference that day. It also is presenting a freewill lunch. Its doors open at 830 am.
To help plan for enough food, Hope needs a count of how many people plan to attend. So, if you plan to be there, please contact Hope’s office with the number in your party – 586.979.9055 or office@hopewarren.com.