Our 2021 MCREST week will once again be held in our church building and it’s time to start getting ready! As usual we will be responsible for the daily needs of 30 women and children.  The MCREST guests have been vaccinated.  I will be visiting a church this week to learn new protocols put in place to ensure everyone safety. 

We will need money for expenses like gas, bus tickets & laundry, as well as donations of prepared food. We will need volunteers for kitchen help, bag searching, laundry duty, shower and overnight supervision, set up and take down.  Sign-up sheets will be in the narthex starting on Sunday July 11th.

Please keep this ministry in your prayers over the coming weeks that we may be blessed with the volunteers, funds and donations that we will need to serve His children through this wonderful ministry.

If you have questions, please feel free to call me at 313-550-2950.

In His Service,

Kelly Crivella