YOUTUBE DEVOTIONS:  The STL elders are developing short devotional videos that are available on Tuesdays and Fridays via YouTube.  For more information contact Deacon Don Cooley ( or go to YouTube and search for St. Thomas Eastpointe.  More information will soon be available on the STL website.

BYLAW CHANGE:  The STL Board of Directors is recommending that By-Law 1.1 be changed at the Special Voters’ Assembly on April 27.  The proposal is to reduce the number of mandatory Voters’ Assemblies from three per year to one.  This would eliminate the mandatory Voters’ Assemblies in September and January.  The remaining one would be for elections in May.  At the same time the BOD would be establishing a policy (not a By-Law) by which the BOD would continue to call for a Special Voters’ Assembly each April to approve the budget and would add “Zoom Forums” in September and January for informational purposes.  For information on the procedure for changing a By-Law, see By-Law Article 12 in the STL constitution.

NOMINATING FORMS are available in the narthex and by contacting the church office.  If you would like to nominate someone to be placed on the ballot for the Voters’ Assembly on May 25 as a candidate for a congregational office or Board, all you need do is simply complete the form and return it to the church office. Before you return the nomination form, be sure to 1) have your candidate understand the commitment and agree to be nominated; 2) double check the form, making sure your name is on it too (If you are nominating yourself, please sign in both places). Direct your questions to any member of the Board of Directors or Pastor Hetzner.  Also, if the individual is not a voting member, have them complete a Voter Registration form, too (one must be a voting member to serve on a Board).

MISSION OFFERINGS100% of your Mission Envelope donations (either using the envelop provided in your box or through your designation electronically or with a different envelope) to STL during the months of January, February, and March will be given to the St. Luke Project 52 Clinic.  This Mother Baby Clinic serves low-income mothers where they are by coming to their communities with mobile care.  The mobile care unit brings The Luke Project 52 Clinic’s gold standard of care right into the poorest neighborhoods of Detroit. By setting up rooms for prenatal visits at local church facilities and community centers, the clinic also connects new mothers with churches and local ministries that provide the long-term counseling and support needed, particularly for young mothers in difficult circumstances.  By operating with unconventional afternoon and evening hours, The Luke Project 52 mobile clinic makes it easier for mothers to get prenatal care without taking a day off from work. They provide a family atmosphere where adult supervised, safe care is provided in a children’s activity room. Mothers do not need to get a babysitter to keep their appointment.  For more information on the ministry, go to


Here is the report of our joint General Fund stewardship (family finances and congregational finances) through January 31 of fiscal year 2020-2021.  All bills are current (including the mortgage) and we are functioning with a healthy “cash available” balance.  The hold on repaying our loan to the restricted account continues.

                                                      January 2021                                          Year to Date 

                                       Anticipated               Actual                   Anticipated                Actual        

Income                         $ 38,750.00          $34,585.05              $280,920.00            $247,237.80   

Expense                       $ 41,625.11            $39,233.97               $280,735.05           $ 67,178.78

Net Excess (loss)     $ (3,175.11)            $ (4,648.92)               $   184.95           $(10,499.97)

The Restricted Fund Balance is $108,024.07, with $4,750.00 unavailable for use.

Mortgage Balance – $1,728,030.59, Restricted Loan – $15,050.00.

Congregational Connector February 2021