If you want to hear more about the Greater Things God has been doing here in our city, join us on December 4, from 6 pm.m to 8 p.m., for our Virtual Gala! We will be celebrating our community, our partnerships, and our God, while also raising money to continue this work.. The speaker for the evening is Pastor Rosevelt Gray, director of Black & African Ministry, LCMS. To register for this event, visit our website at https://camprestore.org/greaterthings2020/. We will also be posting a link to our auction page soon, so watch for coming updates! If you would just like to make a donation to Camp Restore Detroit that also would be appreciated. Mail donations to 17100 Chalmers, Detroit, MI 48205. If you’d like to speak to someone, call Amy to 313-395-7600.
Camp Restore