The middle of the week can be a struggle and Wednesdays can sometimes be the most difficult day to get started. If only there was a way to receive encouragement, enlightenment, and motivation to help kick start our morning. St. Thomas recognized this need for motivation and spiritual encouragement, so we decided to do something about it. Every Wednesday at 7:30 am, we will be hosting a live, virtual Morning Prayer Vigil. Here, we will pray for each other, the church, the world, and anything we feel we feel moved to address to our Heavenly Father. To let us know you are interested, click here! And in the meantime, you can go to the STL Facebook page, watch our most recent prayer vigil, and pray along with us. We hope you’re able to join us in prayer next Wednesday!
If you would like to participate in both the open group and closed group prayer that continues past the Facebook Live video. Click here to sign up
Join us Wednesdays at 7:30 am on Facebook Live or anytime on our Facebook page.