As of Sunday, August 9, STL will no longer have reserved or assigned seating for worship. Instead, for the foreseeable future, sections of pews will be labeled “No Seating Please.” These markers will keep all open seats at least six feet apart.
As you arrive for worship, please continue to wear your face mask (at least until you are seated and when you are in the hallways). On your way in, pick up a worship folder and select an available place to sit. While family members are encouraged to sit together in the open areas, we ask that you to sit at least 6 feet away from anyone else.
There is no change in the conclusion of the service. As you come forward for communion, please carry all of your personal belongings – including your worship folder. After communing, you will recess out the center aisle to the parking lot … taking your worship folder home with you.
Offering boxes will continue to be at each entrance way … or, if you prefer, you can send in your tithes and offerings through the US mail or electronically through (Mission Support). Remember, the mission and ministry of STL remains active and vital during these unsettling times. You are important and your ongoing support is valued.