Am I aware of the fact that last night the Washington Nationals beat the Houston Astros to win a pretty incredible World Series?  Yes.  Am I conscious that today is Halloween?  Yes.  Am I also cognizant of the reality that today is Reformation Day?  Yes.  Am I going to write about any of these things?  No!

 Well … maybe … sort of … I guess.
I know that I really would have enjoyed staying up late and watching the end of that baseball game last night, but I knew I also needed to get up early to write today’s Thursday’s Thirst.  And I enjoy this writing.  I would have written it yesterday, but I had multiple other important – and enjoyable – items on my ‘to do’ list that had priority.  Besides, I also wanted to save some energy to celebrate Halloween tonight.  Did I get all of them done?  No.  Unfortunately, that seems to be the problem most every day.
I am blessed with too many good things, enjoyable items and important options!
I really enjoy the time I spend with family and friends (ask me about last weekend, or the ones upcoming).  The opportunities I face daily in ministry are exceptional … and I find about 90% of them to be pure joy (and the other 10% necessary).  The other necessary things I do – like household chores and exercise – produce enough long-term pleasure for me to value them.  I also have a desire to slow down a bit and smell the roses, but how can I fit this into my already jammed schedule of good, enjoyable and important activities?  I considered giving up sleep or showering … but I really enjoy them, too!
Like I said, “Problems, Problems!”
Is this, perhaps, what David was thinking of as he wrote, “My cup overflows”? (Psalm 23.5) Some days the overflow that gets away are urgent things.  Other times they are important activities.  On other occasions they are the necessary ones … on most days I have a difficult time differentiating between the three!  And all too often, rather than realizing how “my cup overflows,” I feel as though I am bound in the chains of too many good, enjoyable and important activities!  Like I said, “Problems, Problems!”
And then, in steps Jesus with the words of his Reformation Day Gospel, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8.31-32)  Daily “abiding time” … reading his Word, meditation upon it, receiving the Truth named Jesus … sets me free … free from the problems of the evil that enslaves me … and also free from the problematic chains that come from “my cup overflows.”

Will I get everything in?  No.  Will I do all the good, enjoyable and important things that come my way?  No.  Will I always make the right choices of what to skip?  No.  In spite of all of this, will I continue to be free?  Yes … and not just maybe … sort of … I guess … because, you see, “if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8.36)  Living in this Truth named Jesus, I know that my problems are all resolved … and I am set free … free indeed!


Problems, Problems