Our Primary Prayer focus for this week:

  • Keep us focused and ready for Your Son’s glorious return.
  • Sustain those called to be fishers of men in Christ’s Church
  • To trust God for our every need.
  • Uphold all in authority, enable them to lead according to Your will.

And we remember all children who hear the gospel in church and from their parents, and those in hospice care.

To connect to the STL PRAYER CHAIN, contact Karen Dolan(mdolan421@gmail.com)

† In Our Thoughts and Prayers †

God’s Healing Hand on: William Erfourth, Debra Closurdo, Larry Cichocki, Roy Leidich, Beverly (friend of Connie Sommers), Allison Bottke (friend of Bucholtz’s), Michele Jones (preschool director), Betty MacArthur (former member), Brad Tenn (friend of Brenda Zito), Thomas Patch (Sandra’s husband), Karen Nieman (cousin of Sandra Patch), Terra Slatten (wife of Chris, organ repair man).

Continued prayers for Healing & Strength for: Debbie Closurdo, Janet Semenjuk, Joanne Awe, Brenda Finger, Harrison Ahee, Andrew Brejnak, 19, (grandson of Gerry & Nola Klonowski, son of their daughter, Lisa), Robert Laroche (family of Jan Adams), Jan Adams, Claire Armstrong (granddaughter of Clyde & Carolyn Armstrong), Kennedy Pank (great-granddaughter of Marilyn Redmond), Sally Burk (sister of Lois Revard), Tamara Sommer (Connie’s daughter-in-law).

Prayer List