Wednesday: 6:30 a.m. –
Men’s Bible Studay – Fireside Lounge
Facilitator Host: Mike Dolan
Wednesday: 7:30 a.m. –
Wednesday Crew – Fixing things around the building when taking a break from coffee and donuts.
Saturday: 8:00 a.m. –
Men’s Bible Study – Fireside Lounge
Facilitator Host: Steve Northcott
Women’s Groups
HIS II – Hearts In Study of God’s Word as it has meaning for our lives. Hands In Service to God, our Church and our Community. H.I.S. II is a woman’s only group open to all women ages 18 and older. The Goals of H.I.S. II are: 1) Daily Bible study, 2) Join in Christian service, 3) Encourage friendliness, 4) Pray daily, 5) Discover God’s purpose for our lives, and 6) Witness. We meet once a month during the year (except July and August) on the 4th Monday evening in the Fireside Lounge at 7:00 PM. We encourage all women to come for devotion, Bible study, refreshments and a short business meeting.
Altar Guild – the Altar Guild assists the pastors by preparing the chancel for Sunday Worship, special services and adornments for Easter and Christmas. Members care for communion ware, paraments, altar linens, garments, and maintain supplies. The guild also orders altar flowers for Sunday mornings. All are welcome.
Funeral Luncheons – post-funeral luncheons are provided upon request, at a cost, for family and friends after the funeral service. Volunteers cook, serve and provide desserts. Men and women are needed as volunteers to provide this service to grieving families.
Ladies’ Ensemble – female voices dedicated to praise the Lord and enhance our worship with music specifically composed for the women’s choir. The Ladies’ Ensemble is open to all female members and prospective members, ninth grade and older.